“A nation which expects its biological survival from immigrants won’t survive.” ― Viktor Orbán (Hungarian PM, patriot, philosopher, and all-around good guy)
I am a “Legacy American” (aka “White Guy”) - and thus, I am very concerned about the “Great Replacement Theory”. However, while my people at Fox, and the ever-vigilant MAGA politicos, have spared little effort to make sure I am aware of it, I remain hazy on the details. And I have questions.
For instance:
Has it started yet? I do not know anyone who has been replaced. My family and friends have, at least so far, been mercifully spared. But perhaps it is like the early days of COVID. At the onset — while it generated a lot of buzz — it was too soon to have touched many personally. I am sure that as time passes, I will become more aware of specific people who have “disappeared”. But as yet, nada.
How should I prepare? When I was sent away to boarding school as a boy, I was not unprepared. At least in the fundamentals. The establishment provided a list of things that I should pack to bring to the facility. And my mother sewed name tags into my socks and underwear, et al. I hope there is a tech solution for nametags now because my mother isn’t getting any younger — and I don’t want her to have to work her fingers to the bone. And she may be replaced before me if seniority counts for anything.
Where are replaced people sent? I’m guessing that FEMA has already started building the replacement camps under the rubric of “emergency preparedness”. And I understand from previous scares that there are Walmarts that can be repurposed in days. No doubt the Democrats have contracted some satanic version of Eric Prince to run them and provide the manpower for the round-up. I hope I am not being too starry-eyed about my prospects because there is the alternative of “terminal replacement camps”, which will provide a final solution while saving a boat-load of cash.
This makes me wonder if the fire-starting, Jewish space-lasers are being fined-tuned for some larger replacement purpose. I’ll have to ask Greene what she knows about that.
Which agency is responsible for executing the replacement? The obvious answer is FEMA. After all, they have run so many of the Deep State’s most unAmerican Marxist cabals over the years that it would seem to be in their wheelhouse. However, I suspect they are a smokescreen. And the double-secret agency which is controlling things is doing so from one of Soros’ underground bunker networks.
How is the replacement being financed? Jewish bankers — duh!
How are the Americans to be replaced identified? I suppose it depends on the level of detail. If liberals are using the Nazi playbook, the process will be granular. Every individual to be replaced will be (has been?) chipped, a mark of the beast if you will, allowing them to be rounded up. On the other hand, the replacement may be wholesale and only involve Congressional districts that vote Republican. Some Democrats will be replaced in error, but on the whole, it will favor the removal of “our kind”.
Why won’t conservatives be able to stop the replacement? My money is on fluoridated water. Let’s note that water fluoridation became the official policy of the U.S. Public Health Service in 1951. And what else was going on in 1951? Communists were infiltrating the Army, the State Department, and the White House. Coincidence? I think not. I will bet that fluoride destroys testosterone. And the manly men conservatives were relying on to thwart the replacement threat are now quiche-eating, girly boys.
Will the replacement be limited to any particular age group? I doubt it. If the shortage of infant formula tells us anything, it is that liberals will not stop short of infanticide to get the replacement ball rolling. Do you need proof? Who are the only kids getting formula in the US? Brown babies at the border. QED.
Is the price of gas part of the conspiracy? If I had to guess, it is. What is the point of having dozens of high-powered weapons and 10,000s rounds of big-ass ammo if you can’t gas up your truck to bring them where they would be useful? And do you know how expensive it is to buy camo and battlefield gear nowadays?
Is there anywhere safe? Probably college campuses, women’s health clinics, hipster bars, art-film cinemas, book stores, museums, and public transit. You will want to stay away from gun shows, tractor pulls, and political rallies bringing you the truth about the Great Replacement Theory as those audiences are the first scheduled for replacement.
Is there any hope? Of course, there is. We are all “real Americans”— red, white, and blue patriots. And there are stone-jawed, flint-eyed politicians fighting hard to keep the wrong sort of people from voting. These election purists have their shoulder to the wheel — gerrymandering, slashing voting hours, roadblocking registration, restricting the number of polling stations, etc. Many of these warriors for truth, justice, and the American way may risk their lives in courthouses to keep the faith. But do not despair. We have allies in high places. And the Supreme Court will not let us down.
Be well.